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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

Forgiveness and other peacemaking words.

I hope that you will be just as amazed as I am! On Friday Penta Global graduated 17 women from our peacemaking class. This was the third generation of women who have gone through our class and for the last two seasons there have been two classes at a time. In other words we have had a total of 6 classes this year at this location.  Each time the class has been given at least one or two instructors have been raised up. This is amazing for us and we are honored to see the growth in all the women who have gone through our program. The other exciting thing is that 25% of the people living at this facility are on the waiting list for our class!! We are so blessed by what God has been doing. Here are some of their stories…

“She was stuck after the death of multiple family members. After asking for help to become unstuck she is currently smiling and has become an instructor for the class.”

“I taught my children not to hate. But I realized that after the murder of my brother at the hand of a family friend, I hated this person. Two weeks into the class, God gave me a dream and in this dream He told me not to pray for forgiveness for this person but to pray for his salvation. I prayed for his salvation and a heavy burden was lifted off of me. I no longer hate him. I hate what he did but I have forgiven him.”

“ I learned to make peace with God and myself over the loss of my youngest child.”

“It showed me how to box breathe.”

“ I learned to deal with my past unresolved issues.”

“I've gained more confidence and learned more about my self.”

“If I change the way I think I will change my life.”

“I found peace within myself. This class helps me keep a peace of mind while I am in prison.”

“This class taught me to stop and analyze a situation before I verbalize or react. To understand and relate to others."

“I have learned to forgive God.”

“It provided me with different essentials that I can use.”

“It has helped me see how much I have grown.”

“Integration vs fragmentation, It has helped me find the obvious blind spot that I've refused to admit to myself, and the different broken places of myself.”

We are so blessed and grateful to God for his work in all these women's lives. Please be praying as next year we will continue to have instructor trainings and new classes to facilitate the inclusion of all the people on the waiting list.

God bless you,

Rael Moreno

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