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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

I just had an MRI: Peacemaking in unexpected places

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

I got to the hospital a few days ago, and they gave me a form to sign. I thought it was the usual standard form we all get at the doctor’s. But I read it just in case, and at the bottom it asked: “do you have any spiritual/religious concerns, such as changes in faith or beliefs.” That was new to me, so I asked the nurse how that was relevant to my checkup. She said, well, that can contribute to stress, and can affect your health. I thought, wow, even these medical professionals, many of them non-believers; understand the power of spiritual life. Maybe they ask that because it is a cancer hospital (and no, thank God, there was nothing wrong with me!).

Then I read the form some more, and it asked if I had any concerns with my “relationship with the sacred.” And it hit me again, and I thought of so many people who have NO relationship with the sacred.

If the medical doctors are asking about our spiritual lives, shouldn’t we pay attention to it?

While waiting for the MRI, and later for the doctors to review the results and talk to me, I thought of my beautiful wife, Rael, and how much I love her. And how much I would miss her if something happened to her. I thought of my kids, and visualized their beautiful faces. And loved them all the more. I thought of you, my friends, my supporters, my prayer warriors, of how much I love you and appreciate you.

Sacred moments of grace, I guess. Right in the midst of a busy hospital, in Houston, Texas.


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1 comentario

19 abr 2022

Wow, Great insights Pedro! And I get it. I also hate MRIs but they are a great prayer closet for getting real with the Lord.

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