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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

Jumping from sinner to Saint:Peace with God

At a Peacemaking Through Art class, Rael and Pedro asked the question, “are you a sinner or a saint?” Most of the participants were Christian and said that they were saints which was unusual (usually most Christians say they are sinners, at best sinners saved by grace). One of them however, insisted that he was a sinner, so we asked: why is it that you are not a saint? And he said, I need to work on some things, I need to get better. So we asked: what could you do that will bring you from sinner to saint? The person started thinking deeply but had no answer. Then we asked, what could you do that would be better than what Christ did on the cross for you? The person's face turned somber and then started brightening up. Mostly in surrender. So we seized the moment and asked: “would you jump with us? From sinner to saint?” The person was open. So we invited him to come to the middle of the classroom and line up with us and we said: where we are now is the sinner's place, we are going to jump over here which is the saint's place. Would you jump with us?” He said ,”yes.” So we counted 1,2,3 and we all jumped!! And miracle of miracles, his face was beaming with joy. We heard from other participants that he is getting baptized soon.

On another occasion we asked a person if he was a sinner or a saint and he said "I am a sinner and a saint." So we asked: how is it possible for you to be a sinner and a saint at the same time? Has not Jesus made you a new creation? Didn't you die on the cross with Jesus and were raised into newness of life? Isn't the Bible full of references “to the saints in Ephesus,” to the saints called by God to do good works? The person's face changed and started smiling widely. So we asked again: "are you a sinner or a saint?'' With full conviction the person answered, “I am a saint!”

Will you make the jump with us?


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