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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

Kim Phuc has joined us(Peacemaking through Art)!

f you are anything like me you would ask, who is KIm Phuc? Many of you might know her as the Napalm girl, a VIETNAM WAR SURVIVOR, who has a wonderful story of finding peace. You can read it for yourself in her new book Fire Road (see cover picture). Well, we are so excited to announce that Kim Phuc has joined our jury for the Refugee Art Contest we are launching! Kim kindly gave us a whole hour on Zoom at the contest launching, see details below. She has struggled her whole life physically, mentally and spiritually after the attack on her village. Physically pain has been her constant companion and it has taken more than a dozen surgeries to have a mostly pain free life. She was used by Vietnam as propaganda and she would ask for many years: why me? Struggling for inner peace she was tormented until she came to know the Prince of Peace. Now she has Peace with others. Peace with herself. And Peace with the Lord Jesus Christ. Kim has walked through the hard lessons of forgiving, even those soldiers who caused her pain (powerful story).

So, what happened on June 19th? June 19th was a busy day of celebration and it was the day we launched the Refugee Art Contest. It was also Fathers Day, to remember those who care for us, provide for us and protect us. And Juneteenth, a reminder that in America we no longer have slavery and we can celebrate freedom with those whose ancestors did suffer in the past. So it was fitting that we would launch the Refugee Art Contest that day at Word of Life Fondren, our church in Jackson, Mississippi, to commemorate World Refugee Day. What Can YOU do about the Penta Global Refugee Art Contest? Please share the poster here with any refugee or person who works with refugees that you know. Join us as we see many more people like Kim, who have suffered from war, persecution and conflict, find peace with God, with themselves and with others. Thank you.

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