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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

PenTA Life. Peace with God. Peace with yourself. Peace with others.

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

What is PenTA Life?

Are you in need of wholeness? We all know people who are great at work but bad at relationships. Or people that spend all their time at Church but are in huge amounts of debt. So we are challenging people to look for wholeness in all of these areas, not just some of them. To explore God’s abundant life in every aspect of life and thus find peace and at the same time find purpose in and what you set about intentionally to do.

PenTA means 5 standing for the 5 areas that we consider as important to have a well balanced life. A life of Shalom, Peace, also known as wholeness. Those five areas you can see below in our PenTA Life wheel.

1. Spirituality: to enjoy abundant inner life and peace with God

2. Work: to be a productive citizen, contributing to the peace and well being of family and community

3. Finances: to be able to save, invest, enjoy and give from an abundance of resources thus arriving at financial peace

4. Relationships: to have peace with others through learning new skills in order to have rich and meaningful relationships

5. Well-being: to create an environment of peace within yourself that causes you to live at peace with yourself, including how you see yourself, what you do, self love, and your physical body.

When we do this in our classes their first response is “I'm broken.” My wheel doesn't line up. Next, we encourage them that we all are broken but can take responsibility and grow in our areas of weakness by setting smart goals and thus be proactive in personal transformation.

What area do you need to set goals in today for your personal transformation?

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