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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

The Mind of Christ: Access it: Peace in living like Christ

The Mind of Christ: Access it

What is the mind of Christ? How do you access it? Can you access it in isolation?

Rael and I have been pondering all this. Is it something mystical? Some kind of mystery? Hidden

someplace, hard to find. Or is it part of the daily Christian life?

The Bible says that we have the mind of Christ. And then Paul in Philippians exhorts us to have the

mindset of Christ, and empty ourselves, humble ourselves, even to the point of death.

So, the mind of Christ is not something we access in isolation. Imagine if I needed some ideas and I

come to you and I say, let me pick your brains, let me get a couple of thoughts from your mind. So, I use

your mind, I get what I need and then I don’t even say thank you. Much less good bye. And then I come

back some other time and I don’t even say hello, I just go straight to your brain, get some more insight,

and leave you. Obviously that would not work for too long. Right?

Intimacy is what brings us to the mind of Christ. Knowing Him. Loving Him. Letting Him love you.

Embrace you. Then you have access to His hands, His eyes, Him, all of Him. Forever. Anytime.

What would you like to know that could be revealed as you spend time with Jesus, and access His mind?

His thoughts of course are pure, honorable, of good report. And if you are with Him, and in His mind,

your thoughts will be like His thoughts.


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