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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

What is Intuitional Prayer? : Peace with God

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Aren’t you tired of praying the regular prayers? Lord, help me with this. Give me this. Don’t give me that. Oh, and please don’t forget about this. And would you take care of him? Or her? The drudgery of having to pray every day. Falling sleep in the attempt. Or just mindlessly repeating something. To appease our conscience. And to appease God. It becomes so boring. Ritualistic. Forced.

Why do we pray at all? Better not to pray than do it out of duty, pressure, routine.

Well, more recently I have been mulling the idea of intuitional prayer. You know there are different kinds of prayer. There is imprecatory prayer, the kind that David practiced in some of the Psalms, asking for judgment and calamity upon enemies. Or intercessory prayer, which is praying fervently for someone or something. Or prayer of thanksgiving. Or confession, or spiritual warfare.

Well, intuitional prayer has to do with understanding what God is telling you without necessarily resorting to conscious reasoning. It is something you can feel, deep in your heart. That you can grasp without detailed instructions or application. And of course, we have to be careful to check anything we understand this way, or any other way, with the Word of God, the Bible. Make sure that it aligns with God, His principles, His heart, His precepts.

Have you heard the word intuit recently? Not many people use it. Maybe out of fear. Or whatever. The fact is, many people are able to intuit things. Like a mother who intuits things about her children, even before they happen. Or the man who is able to intuit answers immediately, without much explanation.

Jesus Christ spoke in parables, much of the time. And He expected his followers to be able to intuit what He was saying. Of course many of them kept asking Him to explain everything in detail because they would not get it.

But try it. Ask the Lord, what are you saying? Come down from your mind, to your heart, even your gut. Try to discern and understand the deep things of God. Don’t be happy to stay at a superficial level. Where everything has to be explained in 5 points, or 7 points. Come deeper. He is deep for sure.


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