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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

Where can you get a rich life and community?: Peacemaking through Art

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Where can you get a rich life and community? Part 1 desired outcomes of our Penta Program

Pedro and I wrote these desired outcomes before we finished our first class. We are proud to say that all five were accomplished. Here are the 5 desired outcomes:

Joy, Belonging, Love, Community, Peace.

It blew me away to hear that community was one of the highest outcomes for our graduating class. As they came to have peace with themselves and God, the desire to have good relationships with others came naturally. People felt heard and known through our first Penta Global class.

The second highest response was Peace with self. Many of our graduates expressed that they had found peace for themselves through this class. This was closely connected to their surrendering to God and finding peace about their circumstances.

Love was also communicated by one of our graduates who said, “Out of all these outcomes, this class has taught me to have greater self-love. Before this class I did not have self-love.”

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