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  • Writer's pictureAlathea Rael Gore

Peace with God's love for your life: Will You Come Home?

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Sometimes, when people hear my name they ask me: “Where are you from?” I say, I came from Virginia. And they go, “Hmmm, but originally?” And I say, Heaven.

Don’t we all come from Heaven? Originally? If you have a baby, where do you think he or she comes from? Physically, of course the baby comes from the mother, conceived by 2 parents. But spiritually?

God says that before the creation of the world, He knew you. Before you were in your mother’s womb, He formed you. So, we are spiritual beings. All of us.

And our loving Abba Father, our Daddy God, wants us all to come back home to Him.

Adam and Eve were joyful in an intimate setting with God, in the Garden, no sin, no death. They may have being in that state of purity and immortality for thousands of years, no one knows. They were not Jewish, or Arabs, or agnostics, or Christians, they were just children of God.

Do you feel the voice of God, deep speaking into deep, in your heart, to come back home to Him?

He certainly is longing for you. Jesus wants to be very close to you. He loves you passionately. And unconditionally. Will you join Him in the cool of the Garden? The Garden, which today is God Himself?


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